About Linde Waidhofer
the photographer/leader
of this trip

For Linde Waidhofer, landscape photography is as much passion as profession. She works almost exclusively in color, formerly in 35mm and 6 X 17cm but today, Linde photographs exclusively with Canon digital cameras which deliver better resolution than film. She has published three books of landscape photography: High Color; Red Rock, Blue Sky; and, most recently, Stone & Silence. Linde searches for the photographic equivalent of the emotional impact of wild and mysterious landscapes. She finds this equivalent in the secret geometry and design beneath the surface of the natural world, in images of simplicity and abstraction. Linde loves the wildest corners of the globe, natural light and changing weather. For more of Linde's Patagonia Photos visit her web site at www.WesternEye.com
Linde's stock photography is represented by Tony Stone in New York, and by the Telegraph Colour Library in London. Her Western landscapes have appeared in National Geographic books, and in magazines in Germany, Italy and the US. She has photographed assignments from Japan and New Zealand to Alaska and the Alps.